In the last four years we have seen an explosion in social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, these are great ways of connecting to people that we cant talk to every day and follow up with what they are doing. But what is the price we pay?
These website claim they are free but as you all know we are constantly bombarded with advertising and spam email that targets our most dear and darkest insecurities like our hair, our skin, our weight and yes what you all are thinking to (especially men).
We do volunteer for this you know?, but how hard is it to escape it once your so far in that everybody anywhere has the power of finding out almost anything about you. Up next is a video that you might enjoy on this issue of online privacy and some of the most recent controversies behind Facebook. I hope you enjoy it I know I did.
Its hard to find a logical ending to this because it never will. We are a society addicting to the internet and we have come to trust it so much that we put all of our information available out there for the world to see.
Unfortunately that trust and belief came and kicked us in the A@#.
PS: Think about what you do online.