Monday, March 31, 2008

Differentiation is key

Job searching has become a very important part of my life in the last couple of months. I have learned that everything you do can affect whether or not you get hired. It is important to differentiate yourself in the job market and there are certain things in todays world that we as potential employees NEED. I don't know if these will be helpful but here is a list of things I believe can be useful when you interview.

  1. Learn a second language (Spanish or Mandarin are important ones for the future)
  2. Know how to use social networks and how they operate
  3. Be familiar with new technologies that can help your business or that which you are applying to.
  4. Try to blog or post writing samples online
Blogging is important, it shows you can write and you know how to work technology. Blogs are useful ways to show employees that you have leadership and initiative skills because your are not afraid of put your thoughts out there and letting the world know.

These are just some things I picked up during my interviews and have served me well. Don't underestimate what you are capable of.

Sources: Hiring the best people - - 10 simple rules. The blog is the new resume

Picture source:

Sunday, March 23, 2008

"Don't quote me on that..."

With the introduction of blogs, and social media news sources Americans are relying on other people for their news. It is incredible to think that we trust other people more than reporters to give us unbiased news.
User generated content should be taken as that, an opinion, and nothing more. There are thousands of people who will rely on other users alone to get their information. I don't know if any of you do that but I recommend you don't.
There is nothing wrong with getting information from somebody's blog or a social news website. Know that like any other social news website it can be biases and has a goal in mind. I read many social news sites and blogs, but I make sure to back up the information I get from them from more reliable sources.

Here is a podcast discussing social news sites from a G4 podcast. It's kind of long but it does touch many aspects of these new and popular sites.

It's true that sometimes news sources can have some sort of biased to them, but don't do people?

"Citizenship papers", "Fifteen uses of corporate bookmarking"

Monday, March 17, 2008

Don't need to "be" there

Brainstorming is the way in which most great ideas come to reality.
I have noticed in my classes that coming up with ideas in a group is extremely complicated and complex. However I have learned that it is the best way to generate creative tactics. The internet has provided us with thousands of tools that once again have proven to be a great help for businesses all over the world. Studies have shown that virtual brainstorming groups beat "physical" brainstorming groups every time.

Here is an example of a brainstorming session at Google I found:

I dont know if any of you have ever been involved in a brainstorming session but if you haven't done so yet I recommend you try it. I have not yet participated in a virtual brainstorming session but I cant imagine it being as chaotic as a "real" life one. This might be the reason for why virtual brainstorming sessions are more succesfull.
Virtual or not the ideas taht come from these sessions drive our worlds and this is why we should appreciate the work that is being done behind walls or a keyboard.

The strange beauty of virtual teams
Working together...when apart

Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Facebook of businesses, LinkedIn

Now that I am starting to "look" for a job I have found that it is almost impossible to get into a major companies job without knowing somebody. But who knew that the new way to find the easy way in is through your computer. I haven't tried any job networking sites but I believe talking to a person and submitting applications specifically to a company you want is more efficient, but hey, thats just me.

There use to be a time where knowing how to work Microsoft Office was enough but not anymore. Now you need the have capacity of making a website, blogging, and being familiar with business networking sites. The most popular site and one that has grown enormously is LinkedIn, a business networking site that has over 11,000,000 members and is targeted and small businesses and entrepreneurs.

Here is a video that should help you understand. Its the best one I found.

The downside to this is that all you have to speak for yourself is what you submitted online and thats it. Like most of the better part of technology its a double edge sword and it must be handled with care.

My recommendation to all of you and this is something I am starting to realize myself. Don't loose touch of the people you have met, because online job applications and job searching websites might be the future, there is nothing like the personal touch of sending an e-mail to somebody in your network.

If you haven't visited LinkedIn yet I recommend you do so.

Articles referred:

"Will the Web Replace the Business Lunch?"

"Networking for Students: Step-by-Step Guide -"