Social networks could workd like this
Most of us who blog and keep track of the latest internet trends know that social networking sites are one of the most popular tools and hobbies of the internet.
The major media conglomerates have had to buy and fight with the myspaces and facebooks of the world because of their popularity. This is why I believe that social networks are going to start loosing relevancy and people are going to start tunning them out. It's helpful to receive suggestions of products we might like, but sometimes it can be too much.
I don't dislike social networks, they are great for people like me who live abroad and allow me to keep in touch with my friends. But like every great tool it must be used with care and knowing the consequences of it's abuse.
All I can say about social networks is that the idea is great and they work great for a few years, but I believe they have to be careful not to overwhelm users because they might lose that connection that we used to have with them. I dont know how you feel about social networks and the invasion of advertising and selling of information, but I invite you to discuss it.
Sources: Online social networks, everywhere and nowhere
Picture: http://orionwell.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/social-network.jpg
I agree that social networks do stray from their original ideas, making it hard to always visit a site with so much advertising and marketing. Facebook, which just added an IM feature seems like a good idea, but im not sure that it will be as successful as AIM or GMAIL.
So first off, Facebook added an IM tool? I still can't find it if so haha. I do believe many social networking websites do loose their strengths as time goes on. That's because they try to add too much to their site and they loose influence because of the lack of simplicity. However, these websites can avoid this with careful planning. So it IS possible to avoid the inevitable in this case. Facebook is already getting to the point where it's losing its touch- much like myspace. I hope they heed a warning when I say they're starting to go downhill!
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