I know many of you might know this, but my semester has come to an end. I am graduating and for a while, I might not have any new posts. I have really enjoyed and learned a lot about the bloggesphere and it's benefits. If you don't blog I recommend you start. I know you and your friends, family or company will deeply appreciate it.
I am moving on to a job in New York and I will let you all know the link to my new blog (if I have one) or I will continue to post here. Either way, thank you to all my "loyal" readers.
This is not goodbye, its a ILL SEE YOU LATER type thing.
Ill leave you all with a video that basically summarizes the benefits of blogging and where the internet and blogs are going
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
The monster behind social networks

Social networks could workd like this
Most of us who blog and keep track of the latest internet trends know that social networking sites are one of the most popular tools and hobbies of the internet.
The major media conglomerates have had to buy and fight with the myspaces and facebooks of the world because of their popularity. This is why I believe that social networks are going to start loosing relevancy and people are going to start tunning them out. It's helpful to receive suggestions of products we might like, but sometimes it can be too much.
I don't dislike social networks, they are great for people like me who live abroad and allow me to keep in touch with my friends. But like every great tool it must be used with care and knowing the consequences of it's abuse.
All I can say about social networks is that the idea is great and they work great for a few years, but I believe they have to be careful not to overwhelm users because they might lose that connection that we used to have with them. I dont know how you feel about social networks and the invasion of advertising and selling of information, but I invite you to discuss it.
Sources: Online social networks, everywhere and nowhere
Picture: http://orionwell.files.wordpress.com/2007/06/social-network.jpg
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sorry I'm late...BRB
I know this doesnt usually happen readers, but worry not, I got my computer back. Let me tell you. life without it has been hell. As sad as that sounds I have become really dependant on my computer and the benefits it gives me. Thankfully this time I have a topic that relates to my dilema.
The last couple of semester for me at school have been all about what technologies have been out there and how they allow us to interact with one another.
Our western counterparts seem to have the technology fever even worst than we have. There is a novel that has been entirely writen on SMS, (for those of you who dont know, TEXT MESSAGES. This book has become a best seller in Japan and here
Sometimes text messages can evolve into amazing things such as a novel or even a world wide competition.
Look at this video and tell me what you think. It the world's fastes texter. AMAZING!!!
The last couple of semester for me at school have been all about what technologies have been out there and how they allow us to interact with one another.
Our western counterparts seem to have the technology fever even worst than we have. There is a novel that has been entirely writen on SMS, (for those of you who dont know, TEXT MESSAGES. This book has become a best seller in Japan and here
Sometimes text messages can evolve into amazing things such as a novel or even a world wide competition.
Look at this video and tell me what you think. It the world's fastes texter. AMAZING!!!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
For clarification
The video I posted in a more recent blog does not reflect my political beliefs or tendencies. It was just an example of a media development in support of a presidential candidate.
Monday, April 7, 2008
The new wave politicians
I have never been much of a political guy myself but living in D.C. has forced me to interact and see politics everywhere. This is 2008 and we are witnessing what is probably one of the most interesting presidential campaigns of all times.
This because of the circumstances that the US is going through. But from a technology point of view, I have noticed and many of you might have also, the Internet is a huge part of it. Every candidate has their own website and many of them even have streaming videos on them.
Here is a video you might enjoy, many of you might have seen it, if not, well here it is.
Its facinating to see how people need to adapt to our changes and learn our ways when my whole life I believed that I had to learn from what was happening already. Today it seems as if we are the new future, people that know how to work a computer and blog, express themselves.
The last thing i want to leave you with is this thought. The person who probably is designing these sites, and creating the videos and pictures is probably somebody my age (22) or not far from it, who never knew how much power comes with knowing how to upload a video.
The selling of a president
How the web polarized politics
This because of the circumstances that the US is going through. But from a technology point of view, I have noticed and many of you might have also, the Internet is a huge part of it. Every candidate has their own website and many of them even have streaming videos on them.
Here is a video you might enjoy, many of you might have seen it, if not, well here it is.
Its facinating to see how people need to adapt to our changes and learn our ways when my whole life I believed that I had to learn from what was happening already. Today it seems as if we are the new future, people that know how to work a computer and blog, express themselves.
The last thing i want to leave you with is this thought. The person who probably is designing these sites, and creating the videos and pictures is probably somebody my age (22) or not far from it, who never knew how much power comes with knowing how to upload a video.
The selling of a president
How the web polarized politics
Monday, March 31, 2008
Differentiation is key

Job searching has become a very important part of my life in the last couple of months. I have learned that everything you do can affect whether or not you get hired. It is important to differentiate yourself in the job market and there are certain things in todays world that we as potential employees NEED. I don't know if these will be helpful but here is a list of things I believe can be useful when you interview.
- Learn a second language (Spanish or Mandarin are important ones for the future)
- Know how to use social networks and how they operate
- Be familiar with new technologies that can help your business or that which you are applying to.
- Try to blog or post writing samples online
These are just some things I picked up during my interviews and have served me well. Don't underestimate what you are capable of.
Sources: Hiring the best people - - 10 simple rules. The blog is the new resume
Picture source: http://www.completepeoplemanagement.co.uk/67/text/136/files/resume.jpg
Sunday, March 23, 2008
"Don't quote me on that..."
With the introduction of blogs, and social media news sources Americans are relying on other people for their news. It is incredible to think that we trust other people more than reporters to give us unbiased news.
User generated content should be taken as that, an opinion, and nothing more. There are thousands of people who will rely on other users alone to get their information. I don't know if any of you do that but I recommend you don't.
There is nothing wrong with getting information from somebody's blog or a social news website. Know that like any other social news website it can be biases and has a goal in mind. I read many social news sites and blogs, but I make sure to back up the information I get from them from more reliable sources.
Here is a podcast discussing social news sites from a G4 podcast. It's kind of long but it does touch many aspects of these new and popular sites.
It's true that sometimes news sources can have some sort of biased to them, but don't do people?
"Citizenship papers", "Fifteen uses of corporate bookmarking"
User generated content should be taken as that, an opinion, and nothing more. There are thousands of people who will rely on other users alone to get their information. I don't know if any of you do that but I recommend you don't.
There is nothing wrong with getting information from somebody's blog or a social news website. Know that like any other social news website it can be biases and has a goal in mind. I read many social news sites and blogs, but I make sure to back up the information I get from them from more reliable sources.
Here is a podcast discussing social news sites from a G4 podcast. It's kind of long but it does touch many aspects of these new and popular sites.
It's true that sometimes news sources can have some sort of biased to them, but don't do people?
"Citizenship papers", "Fifteen uses of corporate bookmarking"
Monday, March 17, 2008
Don't need to "be" there

Brainstorming is the way in which most great ideas come to reality.
I have noticed in my classes that coming up with ideas in a group is extremely complicated and complex. However I have learned that it is the best way to generate creative tactics. The internet has provided us with thousands of tools that once again have proven to be a great help for businesses all over the world. Studies have shown that virtual brainstorming groups beat "physical" brainstorming groups every time.
Here is an example of a brainstorming session at Google I found:
I dont know if any of you have ever been involved in a brainstorming session but if you haven't done so yet I recommend you try it. I have not yet participated in a virtual brainstorming session but I cant imagine it being as chaotic as a "real" life one. This might be the reason for why virtual brainstorming sessions are more succesfull.
Virtual or not the ideas taht come from these sessions drive our worlds and this is why we should appreciate the work that is being done behind walls or a keyboard.
The strange beauty of virtual teams
Working together...when apart
Sunday, March 2, 2008
The Facebook of businesses, LinkedIn
Now that I am starting to "look" for a job I have found that it is almost impossible to get into a major companies job without knowing somebody. But who knew that the new way to find the easy way in is through your computer. I haven't tried any job networking sites but I believe talking to a person and submitting applications specifically to a company you want is more efficient, but hey, thats just me.
There use to be a time where knowing how to work Microsoft Office was enough but not anymore. Now you need the have capacity of making a website, blogging, and being familiar with business networking sites. The most popular site and one that has grown enormously is LinkedIn, a business networking site that has over 11,000,000 members and is targeted and small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Here is a video that should help you understand. Its the best one I found.
The downside to this is that all you have to speak for yourself is what you submitted online and thats it. Like most of the better part of technology its a double edge sword and it must be handled with care.
My recommendation to all of you and this is something I am starting to realize myself. Don't loose touch of the people you have met, because online job applications and job searching websites might be the future, there is nothing like the personal touch of sending an e-mail to somebody in your network.
If you haven't visited LinkedIn yet I recommend you do so.
Articles referred:
There use to be a time where knowing how to work Microsoft Office was enough but not anymore. Now you need the have capacity of making a website, blogging, and being familiar with business networking sites. The most popular site and one that has grown enormously is LinkedIn, a business networking site that has over 11,000,000 members and is targeted and small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Here is a video that should help you understand. Its the best one I found.
The downside to this is that all you have to speak for yourself is what you submitted online and thats it. Like most of the better part of technology its a double edge sword and it must be handled with care.
My recommendation to all of you and this is something I am starting to realize myself. Don't loose touch of the people you have met, because online job applications and job searching websites might be the future, there is nothing like the personal touch of sending an e-mail to somebody in your network.
If you haven't visited LinkedIn yet I recommend you do so.
Articles referred:
"Will the Web Replace the Business Lunch?"
"Networking for Students: Step-by-Step Guide - Boston.com"Monday, February 25, 2008
The price we pay

In the last four years we have seen an explosion in social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace, these are great ways of connecting to people that we cant talk to every day and follow up with what they are doing. But what is the price we pay?
These website claim they are free but as you all know we are constantly bombarded with advertising and spam email that targets our most dear and darkest insecurities like our hair, our skin, our weight and yes what you all are thinking to (especially men).
We do volunteer for this you know?, but how hard is it to escape it once your so far in that everybody anywhere has the power of finding out almost anything about you. Up next is a video that you might enjoy on this issue of online privacy and some of the most recent controversies behind Facebook. I hope you enjoy it I know I did.
Its hard to find a logical ending to this because it never will. We are a society addicting to the internet and we have come to trust it so much that we put all of our information available out there for the world to see.
Unfortunately that trust and belief came and kicked us in the A@#.
PS: Think about what you do online.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The new business is out of this world
Over the last couple of years I have discussed both in and out of class the benefits and the power of the Internet. There are several tools in the cyber world that allow users to become somebody they wish they could be.
One of the most prominent tools of this time is "Second Life." For those of you who don't know what it is, it is an online interactive software that allows users to create "avatars" (virtual characters) who live in a virtual world called Second life. Just like in real life these characters can purchase land, create their own house, buy clothes and any other product that you can imagine.
There has been an entire economy developed around Second Life (SL, as some articles call it). There are hundreds of businesses in Second Life, some of the most recognizable are:
The following is an example of what these stores look like,
Second life Apple Store
This is not only a good strategy for big business, it is an opportunity for small businesses to develop, as a matter of fact, some companies only exist in Second Life.
Second life is a powerful and interesting project that has become home to millions of users. It has been around for 5 years already and knowing how to live in it can only help your resume. So if you havent done so yet, I encourage you to visit the Second Life and give your life a second chance.
Here is a link to their website. You can thank me later.
One of the most prominent tools of this time is "Second Life." For those of you who don't know what it is, it is an online interactive software that allows users to create "avatars" (virtual characters) who live in a virtual world called Second life. Just like in real life these characters can purchase land, create their own house, buy clothes and any other product that you can imagine.
There has been an entire economy developed around Second Life (SL, as some articles call it). There are hundreds of businesses in Second Life, some of the most recognizable are:
- Adidas
- Nike
- Nissan
- Apple
The following is an example of what these stores look like,
Second life Apple Store
This is not only a good strategy for big business, it is an opportunity for small businesses to develop, as a matter of fact, some companies only exist in Second Life.
Second life is a powerful and interesting project that has become home to millions of users. It has been around for 5 years already and knowing how to live in it can only help your resume. So if you havent done so yet, I encourage you to visit the Second Life and give your life a second chance.
Here is a link to their website. You can thank me later.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Trying multimedia function, enjoy!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Streaming videos, the new political trend

It has come to my attention that in the last couple of years, streaming videos have become an important part of the political world.
For those of you who don't know what streaming video is please click on the link bellow and hopefully that will help you understand it.
I'm sure you have all noticed that in the past few months the political world has implemented these techniques in order to attract our generation, a generation of internet addicts.
This first video is made by celebrities supporting Barack Obama. If you watch this video and the next one that you can view "We are the world," which many of you might know, you will find similarities, but the main difference is that in this case, Barack Obama's was only made popular by word of mouth and the millions of Internet hits. This is new trend and this is one of the many videos that follow this trend. Having these videos as much a part of a campaign is just as important nowadays as rallying on college campuses.
We didn't have anything as massive as these videos in past campaigns and I wonder what would have been the result in the 2004 elections if viral videos would have played as an important role as they do today.I am anxious to see what role this plays in this years election and how it will affect its outcome. I try to follow candidates sites to see if they upload any streaming videos and in most cases they do.
Here are some of the candidates web pages where you can follow up on their "video campaigns."
The links listed above will take you directly to their multimedia pages and there you can see ho important streaming video is for candidates.
I encourage you to visit some of the following sites to see what role videos play in their campaigns.
Sources: Al Gore's other project
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
OHHHH...to customize

It's the marketing of the future! The business model that companies have to learn and love. In todays modern society a company that only gives you stock models and doesn't let you customize them is at a lost.
For me its hard to believe that I cant chose a product that offers me several different colors, sizes and even lets me put my own name or image on it. I have been looking around and some of the most popular customized products are:
- Shoes
- T-Shirts
- Bags/Purses
- Hats
- nikeid.nike.com
- customink.com
- cafepress.com
- wheelenvizio.com
I believe that just like I mentioned in my past blog this is all part of the new business trend of going online and how important it is for a companies future.
The bar has been set high and in a competitive market it is important that companies meet that bar and for our sake they raise it. Because as we know, the reason they are competing is for our attention. Nowadays we can decide what we ware and what it looks like, but what comes next?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
To go online or to not?
For the last year I have been working at a Ski shop in Washington D.C. and I have noticed that they are not adapting to the new market trends. As most of you have noticed by now e-commerce (buying and selling products online) is a major part of our lives. I hope you all understand this and if you have not shopped online yet, I recommend it, its almost like Christmas when your package arrives.
However, back to my store. The company unfortunately has not adapted to the internet part of business and I believe that in the future the company is going to take a big hit by not going online. Our company has a lot to offer and I believe that not being able to offer online services, as some of our competitors are doing, is going to affect our customers loyalty.
I wonder whether or not e-commerce is necessary for every company?
However, back to my store. The company unfortunately has not adapted to the internet part of business and I believe that in the future the company is going to take a big hit by not going online. Our company has a lot to offer and I believe that not being able to offer online services, as some of our competitors are doing, is going to affect our customers loyalty.
I wonder whether or not e-commerce is necessary for every company?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A brave new "boundaryless" world
The new "boundaryless" society has become possible thanks to the increasing amount of technological advances. Both inside and outside of companies team functionality has become more efficient due to these advances. The younger and more technology adapted society understands and works every day with these to more efficiently in order to produce and maintain joint ventures and alliances amongst. I believe this is the future of many industries, and as a student it is important to understand the implications of this.
These advances, facilitate alliances, joint ventures and new product development . As a I recently read in an article about the myths of informal networks, some management teams are slowing down the process of a "boundaryless" society by taking decisions that focus on the individual and not in collaborative work.
These advances, facilitate alliances, joint ventures and new product development . As a I recently read in an article about the myths of informal networks, some management teams are slowing down the process of a "boundaryless" society by taking decisions that focus on the individual and not in collaborative work.
To conclude, I believe that just like society and employees are understanding the changing and collaborative work, managers and company owners must to do the same in order to allow for society and the market place to advance simultaneously
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
My first time
Hi all, my name is Andres Boutsaktsian, this is my first blog entry for ITEC 333: Social networking & business. In future posts I will be discussing articles and class discussions.
I hope you enjoy my blog.
"On my honor, all posts on this blog are my own"
I hope you enjoy my blog.
"On my honor, all posts on this blog are my own"
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